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53 Result(s)
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House of Recovery Twente (in Dutch: Huis van Herstel) is an open detention facility in Almelo, the Netherlands. The facility was established in 2021 and is currently in a pilot phase that will last until 2026. It operates under the jurisdiction of the Custodial Institutions Agency of The Netherlands. Within the House of Recovery Twente, there is a strong emphasis on cross-domain cooperation with various network partners. The partners are the prison of Almelo, the three probation organizations and the fourteen municipalities of the Twente region. These partners extend beyond traditional law enforcement agencies and include organizations capable of providing care and o…

Intermezzo is a facility located in Eindhoven, the southeast of the Netherlands, and was founded in 2019. The facility is managed by the Doorpakkers Foundation. Doorpakkers is an organisation active in the southeast part of the Netherlands. They have several programs, that focus on forensic protected living, outpatient support and temporary housing assistance. The mission of Doorpakkers is "do what we say and say what we do!". Intermezzo is a form of forensic protected living. It is a residential facility that has fairly strict rules with someone present 24 hours a day. This is in contrast to their other apartments where there is less supervision.

The Small-scale Judicial Youth Facility Amsterdam (from now on “KVJJ Amsterdam”) was established in 2016 and is located in Amsterdam, the capital city of The Netherlands. It is one of the five small-scale youth facilities in The Netherlands. KVJJ Amsterdam is managed by the Custodial Institutions Agency of The Netherlands in collaboration with a Dutch organisation named Levvel. KVJJ’s are based on three principles. First, they want to maintain the positive elements of the young person's life during their stay in the facility. For this reason, young people are placed close to their living environment in order to maintain contact with their family, friends and network. In addition, they want t…

La Ferme de Moyembrie, located in Coucy-le-Château-Auffrique, about two hours from Paris, is an agro-ecological farm. In 1990, Jacques and Geneviève Pluvinage, retired agricultural engineers, bought a 24-acre plot of land to create a refuge for marginalized people. Jacques, who also visited local prisons, began receiving letters from prisoners who needed help after their release. The Pluvinages welcomed these people and shared their homes and work. In the early 2000s, a judge recognized their efforts, and in 2004, agreements with Reintegration Prison Services allowed them to officially host inmates and help them prepare for reintegration into society. La ferme de Moy…

Lilia Center is one of two Community Custody Units (CCU's), located in Glasgow, and was founded in 2022. CCU's are small-scale detention facilities tailored to support the needs of women in custody through a gender-specific and trauma-informed approach. Seamlessly integrated into local communities, these units provide safe accommodation to meet the needs of women seeking closer ties to their communities and access to essential services. The overarching goal is to promote independence to facilitate a smooth transition to society after incarceration. …

Lister Grauwaart, located in the neighborhood of De Leidsche Rijn in Utrecht, is a supported living facility where residents take the final steps before transitioning to their own homes. The location provides individual recovery support in various life areas, such as household management, health, administration, and social contacts. At Lister Grauwaart, residents are "spotted" together, meaning that residents with and without forensic backgrounds live in the same apartment block, interspersed among local residents. Lister Grauwaart is managed by the Dutch organization Lister and was opened in 2011. …

Loughan House Open Centre (from now on “Loughan House”) is a low-security, open prison situated in Blacklion, located in the western region of County Cavan, Ireland. Loughan House operates under the oversight of the Irish prison service and was established in the year 1972. It is characterized by its secluded location. …

Founded in 2006, Lyderhorn halfway house is a halfway house in the outskirts of Bergen, Norway. As part of a network of eight halfway houses across the country, this facility operates under the ownership of Kriminalomsorgen Norway, the Norwegian Correctional Services. Its mission is to help people in detention transition from a prison to free society by spending the last part of their sentence in a house with low security. The promotion of positive development and crime deterrence are a main focus in the house. …

Martien Schaaperhuis is a protected living facility in Amsterdam. This location is a development-oriented housing facility where residents initially receive intensive support and gradually learn to manage more aspects of their lives independently. The residents aim to eventually transition to their own housing. The focus is on providing assistance with meaningful daytime activities, financial management, and living arrangements. The idea to establish Martien Schaaperhuis for homeless people emerged during the Daverende Daklozendagen in 1997, a discussion forum involving homeless individuals, social workers, housing providers (including Martien Schaaper), and architec…

Neos Boutenslaan is a safe and supportive housing facility located in the Gestel district of Eindhoven, in the southern part of the Netherlands. This facility is designed for individuals who are temporarily or permanently unable to take control of their lives due to the complexity of their issues. The goal is to promote recovery and increase self-sufficiency through intensive guidance, care, and support. Neos Boutenslaan opened in 2020 and is managed by the Neos Foundation. At Neos Boutenslaan, various housing forms are available, including regular studios and a residential facility, each with its own house rules, …

Horten unit in the Nordre Vestfold prison (from now on “Horten unit”) is a prison unit with a high level of security. This facility is based in Horten, in the south of Norway. Horten unit was established in 1862 and falls under the direct supervision of the Norwegian penitentiary administration (Kriminalsorgen). …

Open prison Jiřice is a low-security prison based in Jiřice, a small municipality in the Czech Republic. The facility is located on the grounds of the high- and medium-security Jiřice Prison. Open prison Jiřice falls under the jurisdiction of The Prison Service of the Czech Republic and was established in 2017 as a pilot project. The main goal of the facility is to create the best possible circumstances for facilitating comprehensive resocialization and eventual reintegration of people in detention. By doing this, the program aims to reduce criminal behaviour in the future. The open prison also offers a unique project for its residents, namely the first obedience tra…

Oslo halfway house, Gamlebyen unit (from now on “Gamlebyen halfway house”) has a very central location in the Old Town of Oslo, and is one of eight halfway houses in the Norwegian prison system. The facility is under the direct management of the Norwegian penitentiary administration (Kriminalsorgen). Gamlebyen halfway house is an open building with low security that focuses on preparing incarcerated people for the transition to freedom. It is the second halfway house in Oslo, in addition to Torshov. The two halfway houses are run by the same Prison Governor, and the practice is therefore relatively similar. However, there are some differences in their location, archi…

Oslo halfway house, Torshov unit (from now on “Torshov halfway house”) is located in the district of Sagene, in the municipality of Oslo, and is one of eight halfway houses in the Norwegian prison system. It was founded in 1995 and is under the direct management of the Norwegian penitentiary administration (Kriminalsorgen). Torshov halfway house is an open building with low security that focuses on preparing incarcerated people for the transition to freedom. …

Penitentiary Agricultural Center Ruiselede (from now on “PLC Ruiselede”) is a dairy prison farm located seven kilometers from the city center of Ruiselede, in Belgium. Upon entering the detention facility, visitors are greeted by a large open area adorned with flowers and cobblestones, creating a farm atmosphere. It was founded in 1936 and falls under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government Department of Justice. PLC Ruiselede has an open prison regime which helps to prepare people in detention for their reintegration into society. Most residents transfer to this facility not more than two years before the end of their sentence. Residents are expected to actively …

Penitentiary Pastoral Association, also known as APP, is a non-profit association that runs a transition house, named Pis d’Acollida, located on the outskirts of Palma, a city in Mallorca. Pis d’Acollida is described as a comprehensive support and counseling service for former people in detention in the process of social-employment integration. In addition to the transition house, APP offers non-residential support to people who have been released from prison and are in a situation of social exclusion. Furthermore, they run a project to support people in detention during their leave from prison. …

Although the prison for women in Řepy is a ward of the Praha Ruzyně Remand Prison, it is situated on a different location, around three kilometers from the Praha Ruzyně Remand Prison. Both are located in the suburbs of the capital city of Czech Republic, Prague. The prison for women in Řepy is known for their more or less open regime with their own rules. It falls under the jurisdiction of the Prison service of the Czech Republic and is operating according to the Internal Rules of Praha Ruzyně Remand Prison. The facility was established in 1996 in collaboration with the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of St. Karel Boromejský. This is why it is located in the h…

Probation House Pisek is located in the town of Pisek, a town in the South Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic, and is operated by the Probation and Mediation Service (PMS). The facility was established in November 2022 with financial support from Norwegian grants 2014-2021. It is the first of its kind in the Czech Republic and was an important milestone in the country's rehabilitation approach. It is a residential resocialization program for individuals, giving incarcerated people the opportunity to rehabilitate and make a positive contribution to society. …

RISe Foundation's Residential Home (from now on “RISe Foundation's home”) is managed by RISe Foundation and plays a vital role in fulfilling the foundation's mission and vision by offering a community-based rehabilitation and reintegration program with aftercare service. The facility is located in Valletta, Malta's capital city, and is an integral part of the neighbourhood. RISe Foundation's home was established in 2016 and operates under a formal agreement between the Ministry of Family, Children's Rights and Social Solidarity and RISe Foundation, allowing the foundation to manage it. Apart from the program provided, the Foundation also contributes towards research,…

Seehaus Leonberg is a prison for juveniles in a free form (in German: Jugendstrafvollzug in freien Formen), which means it is an alternative program for young people to serve their sentence instead of a closed or open prison. It is located in the municipality of Leonberg, in Western Germany. The facility is run by an NGO - named Seehaus e.V. - and was founded in 2003. The goal of the overarching organization is to create a “school of life that gives young prisoners the chance to make a change of life”. To achieve this, the residents learn positive social behavior through group culture and family-like living which reflect the values of trust and responsibility.
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53 Result(s)
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House of Recovery Twente (in Dutch: Huis van Herstel) is an open detention facility in Almelo, the Netherlands. The facility was established in 2021 and is currently in a pilot phase that will last until 2026. It operates under the jurisdiction of the Custodial Institutions Agency of The Netherlands. Within the House of Recovery Twente, there is a strong emphasis on cross-domain cooperation with various network partners. The partners are the prison of Almelo, the three probation organizations and the fourteen municipalities of the Twente region. These partners extend beyond traditional law enforcement agencies and include organizations capable of providing care and o…

Intermezzo is a facility located in Eindhoven, the southeast of the Netherlands, and was founded in 2019. The facility is managed by the Doorpakkers Foundation. Doorpakkers is an organisation active in the southeast part of the Netherlands. They have several programs, that focus on forensic protected living, outpatient support and temporary housing assistance. The mission of Doorpakkers is "do what we say and say what we do!". Intermezzo is a form of forensic protected living. It is a residential facility that has fairly strict rules with someone present 24 hours a day. This is in contrast to their other apartments where there is less supervision.

The Small-scale Judicial Youth Facility Amsterdam (from now on “KVJJ Amsterdam”) was established in 2016 and is located in Amsterdam, the capital city of The Netherlands. It is one of the five small-scale youth facilities in The Netherlands. KVJJ Amsterdam is managed by the Custodial Institutions Agency of The Netherlands in collaboration with a Dutch organisation named Levvel. KVJJ’s are based on three principles. First, they want to maintain the positive elements of the young person's life during their stay in the facility. For this reason, young people are placed close to their living environment in order to maintain contact with their family, friends and network. In addition, they want t…

La Ferme de Moyembrie, located in Coucy-le-Château-Auffrique, about two hours from Paris, is an agro-ecological farm. In 1990, Jacques and Geneviève Pluvinage, retired agricultural engineers, bought a 24-acre plot of land to create a refuge for marginalized people. Jacques, who also visited local prisons, began receiving letters from prisoners who needed help after their release. The Pluvinages welcomed these people and shared their homes and work. In the early 2000s, a judge recognized their efforts, and in 2004, agreements with Reintegration Prison Services allowed them to officially host inmates and help them prepare for reintegration into society. La ferme de Moy…

Lilia Center is one of two Community Custody Units (CCU's), located in Glasgow, and was founded in 2022. CCU's are small-scale detention facilities tailored to support the needs of women in custody through a gender-specific and trauma-informed approach. Seamlessly integrated into local communities, these units provide safe accommodation to meet the needs of women seeking closer ties to their communities and access to essential services. The overarching goal is to promote independence to facilitate a smooth transition to society after incarceration. …

Lister Grauwaart, located in the neighborhood of De Leidsche Rijn in Utrecht, is a supported living facility where residents take the final steps before transitioning to their own homes. The location provides individual recovery support in various life areas, such as household management, health, administration, and social contacts. At Lister Grauwaart, residents are "spotted" together, meaning that residents with and without forensic backgrounds live in the same apartment block, interspersed among local residents. Lister Grauwaart is managed by the Dutch organization Lister and was opened in 2011. …

Loughan House Open Centre (from now on “Loughan House”) is a low-security, open prison situated in Blacklion, located in the western region of County Cavan, Ireland. Loughan House operates under the oversight of the Irish prison service and was established in the year 1972. It is characterized by its secluded location. …

Founded in 2006, Lyderhorn halfway house is a halfway house in the outskirts of Bergen, Norway. As part of a network of eight halfway houses across the country, this facility operates under the ownership of Kriminalomsorgen Norway, the Norwegian Correctional Services. Its mission is to help people in detention transition from a prison to free society by spending the last part of their sentence in a house with low security. The promotion of positive development and crime deterrence are a main focus in the house. …

Martien Schaaperhuis is a protected living facility in Amsterdam. This location is a development-oriented housing facility where residents initially receive intensive support and gradually learn to manage more aspects of their lives independently. The residents aim to eventually transition to their own housing. The focus is on providing assistance with meaningful daytime activities, financial management, and living arrangements. The idea to establish Martien Schaaperhuis for homeless people emerged during the Daverende Daklozendagen in 1997, a discussion forum involving homeless individuals, social workers, housing providers (including Martien Schaaper), and architec…

Neos Boutenslaan is a safe and supportive housing facility located in the Gestel district of Eindhoven, in the southern part of the Netherlands. This facility is designed for individuals who are temporarily or permanently unable to take control of their lives due to the complexity of their issues. The goal is to promote recovery and increase self-sufficiency through intensive guidance, care, and support. Neos Boutenslaan opened in 2020 and is managed by the Neos Foundation. At Neos Boutenslaan, various housing forms are available, including regular studios and a residential facility, each with its own house rules, …

Horten unit in the Nordre Vestfold prison (from now on “Horten unit”) is a prison unit with a high level of security. This facility is based in Horten, in the south of Norway. Horten unit was established in 1862 and falls under the direct supervision of the Norwegian penitentiary administration (Kriminalsorgen). …

Open prison Jiřice is a low-security prison based in Jiřice, a small municipality in the Czech Republic. The facility is located on the grounds of the high- and medium-security Jiřice Prison. Open prison Jiřice falls under the jurisdiction of The Prison Service of the Czech Republic and was established in 2017 as a pilot project. The main goal of the facility is to create the best possible circumstances for facilitating comprehensive resocialization and eventual reintegration of people in detention. By doing this, the program aims to reduce criminal behaviour in the future. The open prison also offers a unique project for its residents, namely the first obedience tra…

Oslo halfway house, Gamlebyen unit (from now on “Gamlebyen halfway house”) has a very central location in the Old Town of Oslo, and is one of eight halfway houses in the Norwegian prison system. The facility is under the direct management of the Norwegian penitentiary administration (Kriminalsorgen). Gamlebyen halfway house is an open building with low security that focuses on preparing incarcerated people for the transition to freedom. It is the second halfway house in Oslo, in addition to Torshov. The two halfway houses are run by the same Prison Governor, and the practice is therefore relatively similar. However, there are some differences in their location, archi…

Oslo halfway house, Torshov unit (from now on “Torshov halfway house”) is located in the district of Sagene, in the municipality of Oslo, and is one of eight halfway houses in the Norwegian prison system. It was founded in 1995 and is under the direct management of the Norwegian penitentiary administration (Kriminalsorgen). Torshov halfway house is an open building with low security that focuses on preparing incarcerated people for the transition to freedom. …

Penitentiary Agricultural Center Ruiselede (from now on “PLC Ruiselede”) is a dairy prison farm located seven kilometers from the city center of Ruiselede, in Belgium. Upon entering the detention facility, visitors are greeted by a large open area adorned with flowers and cobblestones, creating a farm atmosphere. It was founded in 1936 and falls under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government Department of Justice. PLC Ruiselede has an open prison regime which helps to prepare people in detention for their reintegration into society. Most residents transfer to this facility not more than two years before the end of their sentence. Residents are expected to actively …

Penitentiary Pastoral Association, also known as APP, is a non-profit association that runs a transition house, named Pis d’Acollida, located on the outskirts of Palma, a city in Mallorca. Pis d’Acollida is described as a comprehensive support and counseling service for former people in detention in the process of social-employment integration. In addition to the transition house, APP offers non-residential support to people who have been released from prison and are in a situation of social exclusion. Furthermore, they run a project to support people in detention during their leave from prison. …

Although the prison for women in Řepy is a ward of the Praha Ruzyně Remand Prison, it is situated on a different location, around three kilometers from the Praha Ruzyně Remand Prison. Both are located in the suburbs of the capital city of Czech Republic, Prague. The prison for women in Řepy is known for their more or less open regime with their own rules. It falls under the jurisdiction of the Prison service of the Czech Republic and is operating according to the Internal Rules of Praha Ruzyně Remand Prison. The facility was established in 1996 in collaboration with the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of St. Karel Boromejský. This is why it is located in the h…

Probation House Pisek is located in the town of Pisek, a town in the South Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic, and is operated by the Probation and Mediation Service (PMS). The facility was established in November 2022 with financial support from Norwegian grants 2014-2021. It is the first of its kind in the Czech Republic and was an important milestone in the country's rehabilitation approach. It is a residential resocialization program for individuals, giving incarcerated people the opportunity to rehabilitate and make a positive contribution to society. …

RISe Foundation's Residential Home (from now on “RISe Foundation's home”) is managed by RISe Foundation and plays a vital role in fulfilling the foundation's mission and vision by offering a community-based rehabilitation and reintegration program with aftercare service. The facility is located in Valletta, Malta's capital city, and is an integral part of the neighbourhood. RISe Foundation's home was established in 2016 and operates under a formal agreement between the Ministry of Family, Children's Rights and Social Solidarity and RISe Foundation, allowing the foundation to manage it. Apart from the program provided, the Foundation also contributes towards research,…

Seehaus Leonberg is a prison for juveniles in a free form (in German: Jugendstrafvollzug in freien Formen), which means it is an alternative program for young people to serve their sentence instead of a closed or open prison. It is located in the municipality of Leonberg, in Western Germany. The facility is run by an NGO - named Seehaus e.V. - and was founded in 2003. The goal of the overarching organization is to create a “school of life that gives young prisoners the chance to make a change of life”. To achieve this, the residents learn positive social behavior through group culture and family-like living which reflect the values of trust and responsibility.


The content of this website is collected by RESCALED and intended to inspire the design and operation of detention houses. It is important to note that the practices shown here are considered inspirational because they materialize one or more principles of small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated detention houses. This also means that they do not all reflect a ‘perfect’ detention house. They have been compiled as examples to illustrate innovative and effective ideas that may be useful to consider when implementing a new detention house.

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. However, the applicability and implementation of these practices may vary significantly depending on the national legislation and other contextual factors unique to various countries in Europe. It is therefore essential to consult the relevant accompanying information and/or the respective authorities if you wish to learn more about a specific facility.

To fully understand and benefit from the knowledge of this database, we encourage you to read the dictionary. Here you will find explanations for the filters used to categorise various inspirational practices.


Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. The content of this website is collected by RESCALED and intended to inspire the design and operation of detention houses. It is important to note that the practices shown here are not all an exact representation of existing detention houses. They have been compiled as examples to illustrate innovative and effective ideas that may be useful to consider when implementing a new detention house.

To fully understand and benefit from the knowledge of this database, we encourage you to read the dictionary. Here you will find explanations for the filters used to categorise various inspirational practices.


Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. The content of this website is collected by RESCALED and intended to inspire the design and operation of detention houses. It is important to note that the practices shown here are not all an exact representation of existing detention houses. They have been compiled as examples to illustrate innovative and effective ideas that may be useful to consider when implementing a new detention house.

To fully understand and benefit from the knowledge of this database, we encourage you to read the dictionary. Here you will find explanations for the filters used to categorise various inspirational practices.