Ferme Emmaüs de Ker Madeleine

Ferme Emmaüs de Ker Madeleine

Ferme Emmaüs de Ker Madeleine is an agroecological farm located in Saint-Gildas-des-Bois. It is part of the Emmaüs Movement. One of the goals of the Emmaüs movement is to have a farm in every region of France. Ferme de Ker Madeleine is located in the Loire-Atlantique region. It is owned by Sources d’Envol and was established in 2021. The facility is licensed by the prison administration of France. It is called “placement extérieur”, which refers in Ferme de Ker Madeleine to a fixed-term labor integration contract. The aim is to create a place where people at the end of their sentences have the chance to readjust and rebuild their lives before they are released.


The internal regulation of Ferme de Ker Madeleine outlines four types of collective activities. First of all, they organize socio-professional workshops. These workshops are obligatory for all residents. They provide valuable opportunities for skill development and encourage a sense of community among the residents. Secondly, residents have the possibility to follow educational workshops, although this is not mandatory. In addition, residents are stimulated to do activities outside the farm. These activities encompass cultural, sporting, tourist, and other leisure activities. Participation is not obligatory but is highly encouraged. The last type of collective activities are the sale of vegetables. Residents are strongly advised to take part in selling vegetables, either within or outside the farm. While not mandatory, engaging in this activity provides an opportunity to contribute to the farm’s sustainability and financial well-being.


The internal regulation of Ferme de Ker Madeleine outlines four types of collective activities. First of all, they organize socio-professional workshops. These workshops are obligatory for all residents. They provide valuable opportunities for skill development and encourage a sense of community among the residents. Secondly, residents have the possibility to follow educational workshops, although this is not mandatory. In addition, residents are stimulated to do activities outside the farm. These activities encompass cultural, sporting, tourist, and other leisure activities. Participation is not obligatory but is highly encouraged. The last type of collective activities are the sale of vegetables. Residents are strongly advised to take part in selling vegetables, either within or outside the farm. While not mandatory, engaging in this activity provides an opportunity to contribute to the farm’s sustainability and financial well-being.


The internal regulation of Ferme de Ker Madeleine outlines four types of collective activities. First of all, they organize socio-professional workshops. These workshops are obligatory for all residents. They provide valuable opportunities for skill development and encourage a sense of community among the residents. Secondly, residents have the possibility to follow educational workshops, although this is not mandatory. In addition, residents are stimulated to do activities outside the farm. These activities encompass cultural, sporting, tourist, and other leisure activities. Participation is not obligatory but is highly encouraged. The last type of collective activities are the sale of vegetables. Residents are strongly advised to take part in selling vegetables, either within or outside the farm. While not mandatory, engaging in this activity provides an opportunity to contribute to the farm’s sustainability and financial well-being.

Ferme Emmaüs de Ker Madeleine is a:

Open detention facility



Indicated principles:

Community-integrated, Differentiated, Small-scale

Ferme Emmaüs de Ker Madeleine is a:

Open detention facility



Indicated principles:

Community-integrated, Differentiated, Small-scale

Ferme Emmaüs de Ker Madeleine is a:

Open detention facility



Indicated principles:

Community-integrated, Differentiated, Small-scale

Mapped by the RESCALED-movement

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

Visited during the wish-eu project

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

Visited during the wish-eu project

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

Sources d'Envol - Emmaüs Movement

Report Ferme Emmaüs Ker Madeleine

This report is still under review.

Visited by Prison Insider (06/10/2022)

Sources d'Envol - Emmaüs Movement

Report Ferme Emmaüs Ker Madeleine

This report is still under review.


Visited by Prison Insider (06/10/2022)

Sources d'Envol - Emmaüs Movement

Report Ferme Emmaüs Ker Madeleine

This report is still under review.


Visited by Prison Insider (06/10/2022)

"Shaping the future, a 1000 originals

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

"Shaping the future, a 1000 originals

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!