Open Prison Jiřice

Open Prison Jiřice

Open prison Jiřice is a low-security prison based in Jiřice, a small municipality in the Czech Republic. The facility is located on the grounds of the high- and medium-security Jiřice Prison. Open prison Jiřice falls under the jurisdiction of The Prison Service of the Czech Republic and was established in 2017 as a pilot project. The main goal of the facility is to create the best possible circumstances for facilitating comprehensive resocialization and eventual reintegration of people in detention. By doing this, the program aims to reduce criminal behaviour in the future. The open prison also offers a unique project for its residents, namely the first obedience training for guide dogs.


Unique in Open prison Jiřice is the possibility to participate in a guide-dogs initial obedience training. Chosen participants undertake an eight-month training period with the dogs to help foster a stronger connection between the dogs and humans. Following this, the dogs are returned to the guide dog school for advanced professional training. In addition, the facility is also involved in projects of external entities, such as the “Day with a Child” project, organized by Prison Fellowship International (PFI), which aims to strengthen contact with children. Another project is the “Building Bridges restorative project,” organized by Prison Fellowship, which aims to bring together offenders and victims of unrelated crimes.


Unique in Open prison Jiřice is the possibility to participate in a guide-dogs initial obedience training. Chosen participants undertake an eight-month training period with the dogs to help foster a stronger connection between the dogs and humans. Following this, the dogs are returned to the guide dog school for advanced professional training. In addition, the facility is also involved in projects of external entities, such as the “Day with a Child” project, organized by Prison Fellowship International (PFI), which aims to strengthen contact with children. Another project is the “Building Bridges restorative project,” organized by Prison Fellowship, which aims to bring together offenders and victims of unrelated crimes.


Unique in Open prison Jiřice is the possibility to participate in a guide-dogs initial obedience training. Chosen participants undertake an eight-month training period with the dogs to help foster a stronger connection between the dogs and humans. Following this, the dogs are returned to the guide dog school for advanced professional training. In addition, the facility is also involved in projects of external entities, such as the “Day with a Child” project, organized by Prison Fellowship International (PFI), which aims to strengthen contact with children. Another project is the “Building Bridges restorative project,” organized by Prison Fellowship, which aims to bring together offenders and victims of unrelated crimes.

Open Prison Jiřice is a:

Halfway house/transition house



Indicated principles:

Community-integrated, Differentiated, Small-scale

Open Prison Jiřice is a:

Halfway house/transition house



Indicated principles:

Community-integrated, Differentiated, Small-scale

Open Prison Jiřice is a:

Halfway house/transition house



Indicated principles:

Community-integrated, Differentiated, Small-scale

Mapped by the RESCALED-movement

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

Visited during the wish-eu project

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

Visited during the wish-eu project

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

The Prison Service of Czech Republic

Visited by the RESCALED-movement (01/03/2023 - 13/06/2024)

The Prison Service of Czech Republic


Visited by the RESCALED-movement (01/03/2023 - 13/06/2024)

The Prison Service of Czech Republic


Visited by the RESCALED-movement (01/03/2023 - 13/06/2024)

"Shaping the future, a 1000 originals

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

"Shaping the future, a 1000 originals

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!