The content of this website is collected by RESCALED and intended to inspire the design and operation of detention houses [1]. It is important to note that the practices shown here are considered inspirational because they materialize one or more principles of small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated detention houses. This also means that they do not all reflect a ‘perfect’ detention house. They have been compiled as examples to illustrate innovative and effective ideas that may be useful to consider when implementing a new detention house.
Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. However, the applicability and implementation of these practices may vary significantly depending on the national legislation and other contextual factors unique to various countries in Europe. It is therefore essential to consult the relevant accompanying information and/or the respective authorities if you wish to learn more about a specific facility.
To fully understand and benefit from the knowledge of this database, we encourage you to read the dictionary. Here you will find explanations for the filters used to categorise various inspirational practices.
In need of further information? Please contact us at or visit our website at
Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. The content of this website is collected by RESCALED and intended to inspire the design and operation of detention houses [1]. It is important to note that the practices shown here are not all an exact representation of existing detention houses. They have been compiled as examples to illustrate innovative and effective ideas that may be useful to consider when implementing a new detention house.
Please note that the applicability and implementation of these practices may vary significantly depending on the national legislation and other contextual factors unique to various countries in Europe. Being that these practices are offered as inspiration for detention houses, it is essential to consult the relevant accompanying information and/or the respective authorities if you wish to learn more about a specific facility.
To fully understand and benefit from the knowledge of this database, we encourage you to read the dictionary. Here you will find explanations for the filters used to categorise various inspirational practices.
In need of further information? Please contact us at or visit our website at
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