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Shelton Abbey Open Centre (from now on “Shelton Abbey”) is an open, low-security prison in Arklow, on the southeast coast of Ireland. It falls under the jurisdiction of the Irish prison service and was founded in 1973. Shelton Abbey is, on the one hand, known for their unique location. The estate was owned by the Earls of Wicklow in the past but they had to sell it to the Irish state due to financial problems. This is why it is a very large, vast domain with an abbey building that houses the detention facility. On the other hand, this detention facility is known for their Dogs for the Disabled programme. …

Skejby halfway house is a facility located in the suburbs of Aarhüs. It is one of eight halfway houses in Denmark and these are all operated by the Danish Prison and Probation Service (Kriminalforsorgen). Skejby halfway house was founded in 1973 as a social experiment where offenders are mixed with non-offenders to minimize their chances of reoffending. …

Spaarnevleugels is an initiative by HVO-Querido that provides forensic care and supported housing for adults. It serves as a transitional facility, where the primary goal is to assist residents in finding a place that best suits them after their stay at Spaarnevleugels. The approach is based on strength-focused work and the living environment philosophy, aiming to support residents in their integration into society. HVO-Querido offers shelter, guidance, and daytime activities to people in vulnerable situations in North Holland, particularly in the Greater Amsterdam area. Through their efforts and expertise, they strive for an inclusive, livable, and safe society.…

Suomenlinna open prison is located in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. The facility is located on one of the islands that make up the Suomenlinna district, a district of Helsinki. Suomenlinna open prison was founded in 1971 as a subordinate to Helsinki Provincial Prison. It was established so the people in detention could help with renovating and maintaining the Suomenlinna fortress which is UNESCO world heritage. Renovating and maintaining the fortress is still one of the possible activities for the residents but the possibilities have broadened since then. Suomenlinna open prison has developed into an independent facility and was transformed into an open prison in…

The Mothers' Unit of Palma (also known as “La Unidad de Madre de Palma de Mallorca”) is an open detention facility in Palma, in Mallorca. The Mothers' Unit of Palma was founded in 2008 and is owned by the federal government of Spain, Ministry of Justice. This facility is unique because of its specific target group and its distinctive working approach. It is a facility where mothers can stay in detention along with their children to maintain the relationship between them. The idea is that a child should remain in the care of its mother, even if she is in detention, rather than being placed elsewhere. This facility provides a place where this is possible while the moth…

The Spetse Hoeve was a former farm in Veelerveen, in the northern part of The Netherlands and is now a mental health institution. They offer help to people who face addiction problems and who have previously been in contact with the justice system or are currently in contact with it. Central to the institution is the slogan "working together for new opportunities" and the ROER idea, which refers to giving direction to one's own life. Founded in 2015, the facility is part of the Terwille Foundation.  In 1998, the Terwille Foundation was founded by five police officers who were confronted with many addiction problems …

Torres Novas Prison Establishment (from now on “Torres Novas Prison”) is a prison in Torres Novas, located in central Portugal in the Santarém district. The facility falls under the supervision of the General Directorate of Rehabilitation and Prison Services (the DGRSP) and the establishment of this organization reflected a broader framework of progressive development and reform in the national penal system. The Torres Novas Prison is housed in the former Comarcã Prison and became independent in 1995. The facility gained a lot of media attention due to the launch of a new pilot project about vertical gardens at the facility. …

Transition House Leuven is located in the heart of Leuven, in Belgium and was established in June 2024 by Foundation De Kansenfabriek (“The Opportunity Factory”). This foundation is committed to the recovery and successful reintegration of vulnerable groups in society, making the Transition House an essential resource for people seeking to rebuild their lives. At the Transition House, participants learn to adapt to their new environment by focusing on finding work, finding housing, discovering hobbies and rebuilding relationships. The opening of the Transition House grew out of close cooperation with the city of Leuven and local partners to ensure that participants r…

Leira Unit is the low-security section of Trondheim Prison, located just 7 kilometers from downtown Trondheim. It is recognized as one of Norway’s fourteen ‘drug managing units,’ emphasizing drug rehabilitation with two dedicated therapists and a strict drug policy. This focus is aimed at providing people in detention with the support and treatment necessary to overcome addiction and reduce recidivism. The operation of Leira unit is based on the consequence pedagogy. This methodology aims to enhance residents’' ability to make informed choices, leading to a life free of crime. The entire stay at Leira is aimed at reintegration into society, based on two principles: i…

Kriminalomsorgen Innlandet, avdeling lavere sikkerhet, Valdres (“Norwegian Correctional Service Innlandet, department lower-security, Valdres”, from now on ‘Valdres prison”) is a lower-security detention facility for men. It was opened in 1985, and is located on a small island in a relatively small village. The establishment was initiated by a politician called Åge Hovengen, who wanted to make a smaller version of Bastøy. As opposed to Bastøy, however, you can drive to the facility by car. Only the residents of the Valdres prison and a family of farmers live on the island. …

Vanaja Prison is an open prison for women located in the countryside of Hämeenlinna, Finland. The Vanaja prison was founded in 1994 and is owned by the Prison and Probation Service of Finland (also named RISE) under the regulation of the Ministry of Justice. Criminal policy in Finland is known for its focus on a welfare society, where well-being, education and employment of the population are seen as key elements of a safe society. To achieve this, their main focus is on the reintegration of people in prison with the use of open detention as a standard for 1⁄3 of the people in detention. …

Vilnius Halfway House is located in the capital city of Lithuania, Vilnius. It is one of nine halfway houses in the country and was established in 2017. The halfway house falls under the jurisdiction of the Lithuanian prison system and is dedicated to promoting reintegration and reducing recidivism. It has been part of various projects funded by Norway Grants, which were aimed to further develop specific aspects of the prison service. …

Vratsa Home for Male Juvenile Delinquents (from now on “Vratsa Home”) is the only prison in Bulgaria that offers an open detention regime and differs from what is expected to be an open detention house in Western Europe. The facility belongs to Vratsa Prison, where Vratsa Home is a separate ward from the prison and is specifically dedicated to male juvenile delinquents. Just like the prison, is the Vratsa Home owned by the Bulgarian Government and has been recently renovated to dedicate itself to minor boys, with the accommodation and services meeting European standards. …
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Shelton Abbey Open Centre (from now on “Shelton Abbey”) is an open, low-security prison in Arklow, on the southeast coast of Ireland. It falls under the jurisdiction of the Irish prison service and was founded in 1973. Shelton Abbey is, on the one hand, known for their unique location. The estate was owned by the Earls of Wicklow in the past but they had to sell it to the Irish state due to financial problems. This is why it is a very large, vast domain with an abbey building that houses the detention facility. On the other hand, this detention facility is known for their Dogs for the Disabled programme. …

Skejby halfway house is a facility located in the suburbs of Aarhüs. It is one of eight halfway houses in Denmark and these are all operated by the Danish Prison and Probation Service (Kriminalforsorgen). Skejby halfway house was founded in 1973 as a social experiment where offenders are mixed with non-offenders to minimize their chances of reoffending. …

Spaarnevleugels is an initiative by HVO-Querido that provides forensic care and supported housing for adults. It serves as a transitional facility, where the primary goal is to assist residents in finding a place that best suits them after their stay at Spaarnevleugels. The approach is based on strength-focused work and the living environment philosophy, aiming to support residents in their integration into society. HVO-Querido offers shelter, guidance, and daytime activities to people in vulnerable situations in North Holland, particularly in the Greater Amsterdam area. Through their efforts and expertise, they strive for an inclusive, livable, and safe society.…

Suomenlinna open prison is located in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. The facility is located on one of the islands that make up the Suomenlinna district, a district of Helsinki. Suomenlinna open prison was founded in 1971 as a subordinate to Helsinki Provincial Prison. It was established so the people in detention could help with renovating and maintaining the Suomenlinna fortress which is UNESCO world heritage. Renovating and maintaining the fortress is still one of the possible activities for the residents but the possibilities have broadened since then. Suomenlinna open prison has developed into an independent facility and was transformed into an open prison in…

The Mothers' Unit of Palma (also known as “La Unidad de Madre de Palma de Mallorca”) is an open detention facility in Palma, in Mallorca. The Mothers' Unit of Palma was founded in 2008 and is owned by the federal government of Spain, Ministry of Justice. This facility is unique because of its specific target group and its distinctive working approach. It is a facility where mothers can stay in detention along with their children to maintain the relationship between them. The idea is that a child should remain in the care of its mother, even if she is in detention, rather than being placed elsewhere. This facility provides a place where this is possible while the moth…

The Spetse Hoeve was a former farm in Veelerveen, in the northern part of The Netherlands and is now a mental health institution. They offer help to people who face addiction problems and who have previously been in contact with the justice system or are currently in contact with it. Central to the institution is the slogan "working together for new opportunities" and the ROER idea, which refers to giving direction to one's own life. Founded in 2015, the facility is part of the Terwille Foundation.  In 1998, the Terwille Foundation was founded by five police officers who were confronted with many addiction problems …

Torres Novas Prison Establishment (from now on “Torres Novas Prison”) is a prison in Torres Novas, located in central Portugal in the Santarém district. The facility falls under the supervision of the General Directorate of Rehabilitation and Prison Services (the DGRSP) and the establishment of this organization reflected a broader framework of progressive development and reform in the national penal system. The Torres Novas Prison is housed in the former Comarcã Prison and became independent in 1995. The facility gained a lot of media attention due to the launch of a new pilot project about vertical gardens at the facility. …

Transition House Leuven is located in the heart of Leuven, in Belgium and was established in June 2024 by Foundation De Kansenfabriek (“The Opportunity Factory”). This foundation is committed to the recovery and successful reintegration of vulnerable groups in society, making the Transition House an essential resource for people seeking to rebuild their lives. At the Transition House, participants learn to adapt to their new environment by focusing on finding work, finding housing, discovering hobbies and rebuilding relationships. The opening of the Transition House grew out of close cooperation with the city of Leuven and local partners to ensure that participants r…

Leira Unit is the low-security section of Trondheim Prison, located just 7 kilometers from downtown Trondheim. It is recognized as one of Norway’s fourteen ‘drug managing units,’ emphasizing drug rehabilitation with two dedicated therapists and a strict drug policy. This focus is aimed at providing people in detention with the support and treatment necessary to overcome addiction and reduce recidivism. The operation of Leira unit is based on the consequence pedagogy. This methodology aims to enhance residents’' ability to make informed choices, leading to a life free of crime. The entire stay at Leira is aimed at reintegration into society, based on two principles: i…

Kriminalomsorgen Innlandet, avdeling lavere sikkerhet, Valdres (“Norwegian Correctional Service Innlandet, department lower-security, Valdres”, from now on ‘Valdres prison”) is a lower-security detention facility for men. It was opened in 1985, and is located on a small island in a relatively small village. The establishment was initiated by a politician called Åge Hovengen, who wanted to make a smaller version of Bastøy. As opposed to Bastøy, however, you can drive to the facility by car. Only the residents of the Valdres prison and a family of farmers live on the island. …

Vanaja Prison is an open prison for women located in the countryside of Hämeenlinna, Finland. The Vanaja prison was founded in 1994 and is owned by the Prison and Probation Service of Finland (also named RISE) under the regulation of the Ministry of Justice. Criminal policy in Finland is known for its focus on a welfare society, where well-being, education and employment of the population are seen as key elements of a safe society. To achieve this, their main focus is on the reintegration of people in prison with the use of open detention as a standard for 1⁄3 of the people in detention. …

Vilnius Halfway House is located in the capital city of Lithuania, Vilnius. It is one of nine halfway houses in the country and was established in 2017. The halfway house falls under the jurisdiction of the Lithuanian prison system and is dedicated to promoting reintegration and reducing recidivism. It has been part of various projects funded by Norway Grants, which were aimed to further develop specific aspects of the prison service. …

Vratsa Home for Male Juvenile Delinquents (from now on “Vratsa Home”) is the only prison in Bulgaria that offers an open detention regime and differs from what is expected to be an open detention house in Western Europe. The facility belongs to Vratsa Prison, where Vratsa Home is a separate ward from the prison and is specifically dedicated to male juvenile delinquents. Just like the prison, is the Vratsa Home owned by the Bulgarian Government and has been recently renovated to dedicate itself to minor boys, with the accommodation and services meeting European standards. …


The content of this website is collected by RESCALED and intended to inspire the design and operation of detention houses. It is important to note that the practices shown here are considered inspirational because they materialize one or more principles of small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated detention houses. This also means that they do not all reflect a ‘perfect’ detention house. They have been compiled as examples to illustrate innovative and effective ideas that may be useful to consider when implementing a new detention house.

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. However, the applicability and implementation of these practices may vary significantly depending on the national legislation and other contextual factors unique to various countries in Europe. It is therefore essential to consult the relevant accompanying information and/or the respective authorities if you wish to learn more about a specific facility.

To fully understand and benefit from the knowledge of this database, we encourage you to read the dictionary. Here you will find explanations for the filters used to categorise various inspirational practices.


Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. The content of this website is collected by RESCALED and intended to inspire the design and operation of detention houses. It is important to note that the practices shown here are not all an exact representation of existing detention houses. They have been compiled as examples to illustrate innovative and effective ideas that may be useful to consider when implementing a new detention house.

To fully understand and benefit from the knowledge of this database, we encourage you to read the dictionary. Here you will find explanations for the filters used to categorise various inspirational practices.


Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. The content of this website is collected by RESCALED and intended to inspire the design and operation of detention houses. It is important to note that the practices shown here are not all an exact representation of existing detention houses. They have been compiled as examples to illustrate innovative and effective ideas that may be useful to consider when implementing a new detention house.

To fully understand and benefit from the knowledge of this database, we encourage you to read the dictionary. Here you will find explanations for the filters used to categorise various inspirational practices.