Elevator (The Salvation Army)

Elevator is located in an apartment complex near Tveita in Oslo, Norway. It is an institution for people, both men and women, who are nearing the end of their sentences. In fact, the target group consists of people with 3 to 12 months left of their sentence who are motivated for change. In addition, applicants […]

Exodus Leiden

Exodus Leiden is located in the city centre of Leiden, a city and municipality in the northwestern part of the province of South Holland in The Netherlands. Exodus Leiden is part of an NGO, named ‘Exodus Netherlands’. Their mission is to have a safe society where people can build a meaningful life with new opportunities. […]

Village of Hope

Village of Hope was established in 2003 and is located on a property that is donated by the founder in Estonia. The facility is part of the non-governmental organization Village of Hope which aims to help socially underprivileged and delinquent people. Village of Hope works on a voluntary basis and participants are encouraged to restore […]

Lyderhorn Halfway House Bergen

Founded in 2006, Lyderhorn halfway house is a halfway house in the outskirts of Bergen, Norway. As part of a network of eight halfway houses across the country, this facility operates under the ownership of Kriminalomsorgen Norway, the Norwegian Correctional Services. Its mission is to help people in detention transition from a prison to free […]

Bjorgvin prison – Youth unit

The youth unit of the Bjørgvin prison (from now on “Youth Unit West”) is a high security youth detention facility. It is one of two youth prisons in Norway and falls under the jurisdiction of the Norwegian penitentiary administration (Kriminalsorgen). The facility is located right next to Bjorgvin prison, in the outskirts of Bergen, and […]

Exodus Groningen

Exodus Groningen, located in the Netherlands, is part of the NGO “Stichting Exodus Nederland.” This organization, founded in 1979, is committed to creating a safe society in which individuals are given new opportunities and can build meaningful lives. Their dedication extends to assisting individuals in or after detention, as well as their families, in the […]

Exodus Utrecht (Waalstraat)

Exodus Utrecht Waalstraat (from now on “Exodus Waalstraat”) is located in Utrecht and is part of the NGO called “Stichting Exodus Nederland”. This organization was founded in 1979, with their mission to have a safe society where people can build a meaningful life with new opportunities. The Exodus organization offers various services for people in […]

Casa Madre del Perdono

Casa Madre del Perdono is a detention facility located in Montefiore Conca, Italy, and opened in 2004. The facility is an integral part of the APG Association, known as the “Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII”. The APG Association has an international presence and operates as a religious organisation with a practical and constant commitment to […]

Etablissement du Simplon

Etablissement du Simplon is a detention facility situated in Lausanne, Switzerland, and founded in April 2012. It is owned by the State Penitentiary Service (SPEN) of the canton of Vaud, located in the French-speaking region of the country. The Etablissement is mostly a halfway house but it also acts as a prison for a very […]

Exodus Amsterdam

Exodus Amsterdam is located in the center of Amsterdam and is part of the NGO called “Stichting Exodus Nederland”. This organization was founded in 1979, with their mission to have a safe society where people can build a meaningful life with new opportunities. The Exodus organization offers various services for people in detention and people […]

"Shaping the future, a 1000 originals

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

"Shaping the future, a 1000 originals

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!