Vratsa Home for Male Juvenile Delinquents

Vratsa Home for Male Juvenile Delinquents (from now on “Vratsa Home”) is the only prison in Bulgaria that offers an open detention regime and differs from what is expected to be an open detention house in Western Europe. The facility belongs to Vratsa Prison, where Vratsa Home is a separate ward from the prison and is specifically dedicated to male juvenile delinquents. Just like the prison, is the Vratsa Home owned by the Bulgarian Government and has been recently renovated to dedicate itself to minor boys, with the accommodation and services meeting European standards.


Vratsa Home can accommodate 32 residents. During the visit, there were only five people staying in the facility. The main building of the facility follows a panoptic design. The dormitories are located in a separate two-story building. The residents are segregated into different apartments based on their legal status as accused, defendants, or convicted individuals. The dormitories, situated on the first floor, resemble apartment-style accommodations. Each room measures around ten to fifteen square meters and accommodates one to three beds. There are shared bathrooms and dining areas.


Vratsa Home can accommodate 32 residents. During the visit, there were only five people staying in the facility. The main building of the facility follows a panoptic design. The dormitories are located in a separate two-story building. The residents are segregated into different apartments based on their legal status as accused, defendants, or convicted individuals. The dormitories, situated on the first floor, resemble apartment-style accommodations. Each room measures around ten to fifteen square meters and accommodates one to three beds. There are shared bathrooms and dining areas.


Vratsa Home can accommodate 32 residents. During the visit, there were only five people staying in the facility. The main building of the facility follows a panoptic design. The dormitories are located in a separate two-story building. The residents are segregated into different apartments based on their legal status as accused, defendants, or convicted individuals. The dormitories, situated on the first floor, resemble apartment-style accommodations. Each room measures around ten to fifteen square meters and accommodates one to three beds. There are shared bathrooms and dining areas.

Vratsa Home for Male Juvenile Delinquents is a:

Youth facility



Indicated principles:


Vratsa Home for Male Juvenile Delinquents is a:

Youth facility



Indicated principles:


Vratsa Home for Male Juvenile Delinquents is a:

Youth facility



Indicated principles:



The target group at Vratsa Home consists of boys aged fourteen to eighteen mostly convicted for petty thefts. After eighteen, residents are moved to a standard prison to finish their detention time unless they need to finish their school time. In this case they are allowed to stay until they are twenty years old.

Vratsa Home offers mainly educational activities. The residents go to school every morning to learn how to write, read. In the afternoon, they have social, religious, cultural and sports activities. Sometimes the facility organizes visits from different organizations that give presentations on educational topics, because the residents get more involved when they get visits from new people.


Besides cultural or social activities (cinema, museum, theater etc.) to neighboring Vratsa city, interaction with the community is limited. Its remote location does not allow exchange of any kind except in the supply the facility requires from its direct environment.


The target group at Vratsa Home consists of boys aged fourteen to eighteen mostly convicted for petty thefts. After eighteen, residents are moved to a standard prison to finish their detention time unless they need to finish their school time. In this case they are allowed to stay until they are twenty years old.

Vratsa Home offers mainly educational activities. The residents go to school every morning to learn how to write, read. In the afternoon, they have social, religious, cultural and sports activities. Sometimes the facility organizes visits from different organizations that give presentations on educational topics, because the residents get more involved when they get visits from new people.


Besides cultural or social activities (cinema, museum, theater etc.) to neighboring Vratsa city, interaction with the community is limited. Its remote location does not allow exchange of any kind except in the supply the facility requires from its direct environment.

Visited during the wish-eu project

Besides cultural or social activities (cinema, museum, theater etc.) to neighboring Vratsa city, interaction with the community is limited. Its remote location does not allow exchange of any kind except in the supply the facility requires from its direct environment.

the Bulgarian Government

Visited by FARAPEJ (24-11-2022)