Skejby halfway house

Skejby halfway house is a facility located in the suburbs of Aarhüs. It is one of eight halfway houses in Denmark and these are all operated by the Danish Prison and Probation Service (Kriminalforsorgen). Skejby halfway house was founded in 1973 as a social experiment where offenders are mixed with non-offenders to minimize their chances […]

Pis d’Acollida

Penitentiary Pastoral Association, also known as APP, is a non-profit association that runs a transition house, named Pis d’Acollida, located on the outskirts of Palma, a city in Mallorca. Pis d’Acollida is described as a comprehensive support and counseling service for former people in detention in the process of social-employment integration. In addition to the […]

Oslo halfway house, Torshov unit

Oslo halfway house, Torshov unit (from now on “Torshov halfway house”) is located in the district of Sagene, in the municipality of Oslo, and is one of eight halfway houses in the Norwegian prison system. It was founded in 1995 and is under the direct management of the Norwegian penitentiary administration (Kriminalsorgen). Torshov halfway house […]

Vanaja Prison

Vanaja Prison is an open prison for women located in the countryside of Hämeenlinna, Finland. The Vanaja prison was founded in 1994 and is owned by the Prison and Probation Service of Finland (also named RISE) under the regulation of the Ministry of Justice. Criminal policy in Finland is known for its focus on a […]

Detention House Kortrijk

Detention House Kortrijk is situated on the outskirts of the municipality of Kortrijk, Belgium. It falls under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government Department of Justice. The Belgian Minister of Justice (2023), and his policy cell want to give incarcerated people a better chance at reintegration into society. For this reason, the Minister intends to […]