NGO New Generation

NGO New Generation (in Estonian: Jõhvi Kristlik Kogudus Uus Põlvkond MTÜ) is a facility in Jõhvi, a small town in northeastern Estonia, founded in 2015. It offers support to people who have been in prison, people who are homeless and people recovering from hospitalization, anyone who wants to change their lives and needs help overcoming […]

Töömaja is a facility in Ahekõnnu, a village in northwestern Estonia. The facility offers a year-long work-based rehabilitation program to help individuals overcome addiction. Through various work opportunities, it aims to rebuild self-esteem, enhance communication skills, and foster a sense of belonging. The facility was founded in 2019 and is managed by MTÜ Töömaja (NGO […]
Samaaria Pärnu

Samaaria Pärnu is managed by the Samaritan Estonian Mission (Samaaria Eesti Misjon), a nonprofit organization that manages facilities, nursing homes, and charity shops. Founded in 1991 with help from Swedish Christians, the organization originally focused on providing humanitarian aid and support for people affected by the societal changes following Estonia’s independence. The facility provides support for […]
Seehaus Leipzig

Seehaus Leipzig is a juvenile correctional facility that follows a “free form” model (Jugendstrafvollzug in freien Formen). This means it offers an alternative to traditional closed or open prisons, allowing young offenders to serve their sentences in a different way. It is one of two such facilities in Germany run by the NGO Seehaus e.V. […]
NGO White Estonia

NGO White Estonia (in Estonian: MTÜ Valge Eesti) was founded in 2005 and is dedicated to supporting former convicts and individuals struggling with addiction, helping them on their path to rehabilitation and reintegration into society. It provides structured support for those on early release or individuals who have been granted an alternative penalty, allowing them […]
Samaaria Haapsalu

Samaaria Haapsalu, also known as Haapsalu Shelter, is a facility in Haapsalu Linn, an urban municipality in western Estonia, in Lääne County. The facility is managed by the NGO Samaritan Estonian Mission. The Samaritan Estonian Mission is a widespread network of shelters, nursing homes, and second-hand charity stores. Founded in 1991 through a collaboration with […]
BW Velden

BW Velden is a protected living facility, founded by Confidence Twende in 2016. This facility offers a safe and supported living environment for people who are ready to live more independently. The focus is on independent living with the necessary support, allowing residents to gradually increase their self-reliance. Confidence Twende is an organization that offers […]
Hostel Boschdijk

Hostel Boschdijk is located in a residential area, Oud-Woensel, in Eindhoven. This housing facility is known for its unique target group, providing supported living for individuals experiencing long-term addiction and (formerly) homelessness. The hostel follows a policy of tolerance, aiming not to stop substance use, but to allow it to take place in a controlled […]
Neos Boutenslaan

Neos Boutenslaan is a safe and supportive housing facility located in the Gestel district of Eindhoven, in the southern part of the Netherlands. This facility is designed for individuals who are temporarily or permanently unable to take control of their lives due to the complexity of their issues. The goal is to promote recovery and […]
Lister Grauwaart

Lister Grauwaart, located in the neighborhood of De Leidsche Rijn in Utrecht, is a supported living facility where residents take the final steps before transitioning to their own homes. The location provides individual recovery support in various life areas, such as household management, health, administration, and social contacts. At Lister Grauwaart, residents are “spotted” together, […]