The Small-scale Judicial Youth Facility Amsterdam (from now on “KVJJ Amsterdam”) was established in 2016 and is located in Amsterdam, the capital city of The Netherlands. It is one of the five small-scale youth facilities in The Netherlands. KVJJ Amsterdam is managed by the Custodial Institutions Agency of The Netherlands in collaboration with a Dutch organisation named Levvel. KVJJ’s are based on three principles. First, they want to maintain the positive elements of the young person’s life during their stay in the facility. For this reason, young people are placed close to their living environment in order to maintain contact with their family, friends and network. In addition, they want to appeal to the young person’s own responsibility. In this way they can work on their own plan for the future. Finally, chain cooperation is central to a KVJJ. Thus, assistance already started continues in the KVJJ or assistance is started in the KVJJ’s environment.