Detention House Vorst

Detention house Vorst is located in Vorst (in French: Forest), a municipality near Brussels, the capital of Belgium. Since the city is officially bilingual (French and Dutch), the facility also operates in two languages. Thus, Detention House Vorst has a French-speaking and Dutch-speaking director. It is the second Detention House in Belgium and falls under the jurisdiction of the federal Ministry of Justice. The facility officially opened in July 2023 and is located on the site of a former women’s wing of the old prison.


Detention House Vorst has a maximum capacity of 57 residents, exceeding the recommended limit of 30 for a small-scale facility. However, to maintain a small-scale environment, the facility divides residents into several living groups of 18 people each.


Detention House Vorst has a maximum capacity of 57 residents, exceeding the recommended limit of 30 for a small-scale facility. However, to maintain a small-scale environment, the facility divides residents into several living groups of 18 people each.

Detention House Vorst is a:

Open detention facility



Indicated principles:

Community-integrated, Differentiated

Detention House Vorst is a:

Open detention facility



Indicated principles:

Community-integrated, Differentiated

Detention House Vorst is a:

Open detention facility



Indicated principles:

Community-integrated, Differentiated


Detention House Vorst accommodates men serving short-term sentences of up to three years. Individuals need to be able to live in a group and speak either Dutch or French. People with convictions for sex crimes, terrorism, or significant substance use disorders are ineligible for transfer to this facility.

In collaboration with the psychosocial service, residents create a detention plan outlining their goals for activities during their stay, as well as their plans for after release. Activities may include work, volunteer opportunities, education, and sports, occurring both inside and outside the facility.


Detention House Vorst encourages interaction between the residents and the community by providing opportunities for them to leave the facility for sports, work, and volunteer activities. They organize events such as river clean-ups and invite an external soccer coach to conduct practice sessions within the detention house. However, since the facility has only recently opened, they are still exploring additional ways to strengthen their connections with the community.


Detention House Vorst accommodates men serving short-term sentences of up to three years. Individuals need to be able to live in a group and speak either Dutch or French. People with convictions for sex crimes, terrorism, or significant substance use disorders are ineligible for transfer to this facility.

In collaboration with the psychosocial service, residents create a detention plan outlining their goals for activities during their stay, as well as their plans for after release. Activities may include work, volunteer opportunities, education, and sports, occurring both inside and outside the facility.


Detention House Vorst encourages interaction between the residents and the community by providing opportunities for them to leave the facility for sports, work, and volunteer activities. They organize events such as river clean-ups and invite an external soccer coach to conduct practice sessions within the detention house. However, since the facility has only recently opened, they are still exploring additional ways to strengthen their connections with the community.

the Federal Government Department of Justice

Visited by VZW De Huizen (1-10-2024)

the Federal Government Department of Justice


Visited by VZW De Huizen (1-10-2024)