NGO New Generation (in Estonian: Jõhvi Kristlik Kogudus Uus Põlvkond MTÜ) is a facility in Jõhvi, a small town in northeastern Estonia, founded in 2015. It offers support to people who have been in prison, people who are homeless and people recovering from hospitalization, anyone who wants to change their lives and needs help overcoming addiction. The facility also accommodates incarcerated people who have served their sentences and those on early release, including those under electronic monitoring. The work of NGO New Generation was initiated by Yurii Mysnyk, who himself has lived experience with addiction. After seeking help from a rehabilitation program in his home country of Ukraine, he helped establish two rehabilitation facilities in Ukraine. He later came to Estonia at the invitation of a New Generation Church pastor to help start this facility in Jõhvi. NGO New Generation is a Christian organization that integrates Christian faith into its work.