Vratsa Home for Male Juvenile Delinquents

Vratsa Home for Male Juvenile Delinquents

Vratsa Home for Male Juvenile Delinquents (from now on “Vratsa Home”) is the only prison in Bulgaria that offers an open detention regime and differs from what is expected to be an open detention house in Western Europe. The facility belongs to Vratsa Prison, where Vratsa Home is a separate ward from the prison and is specifically dedicated to male juvenile delinquents. Just like the prison, is the Vratsa Home owned by the Bulgarian Government and has been recently renovated to dedicate itself to minor boys, with the accommodation and services meeting European standards.


Vratsa Home offers educational tasks to the juvenile delinquents where they go to school every morning to learn how to write and read. In the afternoon there are social, religious, cultural and sports activities. Sometimes there are even visits from different organizations that give presentations on educational topics, this is because the residents get more involved when they get visits from new people. Besides that, they also have a lot of free time that can be spent on practicing sports with the indoor and outdoor equipment that is provided with open access or cultural activities to the city center. For the rest is the interaction with the community limited because of the remote location of the facility that does not allow exchange of any kind.


Vratsa Home offers educational tasks to the juvenile delinquents where they go to school every morning to learn how to write and read. In the afternoon there are social, religious, cultural and sports activities. Sometimes there are even visits from different organizations that give presentations on educational topics, this is because the residents get more involved when they get visits from new people. Besides that, they also have a lot of free time that can be spent on practicing sports with the indoor and outdoor equipment that is provided with open access or cultural activities to the city center. For the rest is the interaction with the community limited because of the remote location of the facility that does not allow exchange of any kind.


Vratsa Home offers educational tasks to the juvenile delinquents where they go to school every morning to learn how to write and read. In the afternoon there are social, religious, cultural and sports activities. Sometimes there are even visits from different organizations that give presentations on educational topics, this is because the residents get more involved when they get visits from new people. Besides that, they also have a lot of free time that can be spent on practicing sports with the indoor and outdoor equipment that is provided with open access or cultural activities to the city center. For the rest is the interaction with the community limited because of the remote location of the facility that does not allow exchange of any kind.

Vratsa Home for Male Juvenile Delinquents is a:

Youth detention facility



Indicated principles:


Vratsa Home for Male Juvenile Delinquents is a:

Youth detention facility



Indicated principles:


Vratsa Home for Male Juvenile Delinquents is a:

Youth detention facility



Indicated principles:


Mapped by the RESCALED-movement

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

Visited during the wish-eu project

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

Visited during the wish-eu project

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

the Bulgarian Government

Visited by FARAPEJ (24-11-2022)

"Shaping the future, a 1000 originals

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

"Shaping the future, a 1000 originals

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!