Luleå Prison

Luleå Prison

Luleå Prison is recognised as a medium-security correctional facility, it is located in Luleå and was established in 2002. The prison falls under the jurisdiction of the Swedish Prison and Probation Service, also known as Kriminalvården. Its vision is to facilitate transformation rather than just ensuring secure custody. Residents are motivated to change their lives when they have completed their sentences. This facility is mostly known for its use of therapy dogs.


The facility offers a range of activities aimed at both rehabilitation and personal growth for its residents, who can choose which activities they want to do. The facility places a strong emphasis on work, education and recreation to foster positive changer in the lives of the residents. Residents have the chance to receive visits from family or friends – although the permitted number of visitors is restricted – or can take leaves for the purpose of visiting their families. Other than that, the interaction with the local community is absent since residents are restricted from departing the prison and there are no structural services offered to the community. Luleå prison also has a pioneering initiative in the Swedish prison system because of the use of therapy dogs, there are currently two trained dogs and two more are being trained.


The facility offers a range of activities aimed at both rehabilitation and personal growth for its residents, who can choose which activities they want to do. The facility places a strong emphasis on work, education and recreation to foster positive changer in the lives of the residents. Residents have the chance to receive visits from family or friends – although the permitted number of visitors is restricted – or can take leaves for the purpose of visiting their families. Other than that, the interaction with the local community is absent since residents are restricted from departing the prison and there are no structural services offered to the community. Luleå prison also has a pioneering initiative in the Swedish prison system because of the use of therapy dogs, there are currently two trained dogs and two more are being trained.


The facility offers a range of activities aimed at both rehabilitation and personal growth for its residents, who can choose which activities they want to do. The facility places a strong emphasis on work, education and recreation to foster positive changer in the lives of the residents. Residents have the chance to receive visits from family or friends – although the permitted number of visitors is restricted – or can take leaves for the purpose of visiting their families. Other than that, the interaction with the local community is absent since residents are restricted from departing the prison and there are no structural services offered to the community. Luleå prison also has a pioneering initiative in the Swedish prison system because of the use of therapy dogs, there are currently two trained dogs and two more are being trained.

Luleå Prison is a:

Closed detention facility



Indicated principles:

Luleå Prison is a:

Closed detention facility



Indicated principles:

Luleå Prison is a:

Closed detention facility



Indicated principles:

Mapped by the RESCALED-movement

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

Visited during the wish-eu project

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

Visited during the wish-eu project

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

the Swedish prison and probation service

Visited by RESCALED (19-01-2023)

the Swedish prison and probation service


Visited by RESCALED (19-01-2023)

the Swedish prison and probation service


Visited by RESCALED (19-01-2023)

"Shaping the future, a 1000 originals

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!

"Shaping the future, a 1000 originals

Small-scale, differentiated and community-integrated facilities can be found in many European countries. There is not one, but a thousand detention houses. As part of the two-year WISH-EU Project, Prison Insider developed an interactive map that visualizes a database of detention facilities from various European regions. Throughout this European-funded project, we identified and visited over 40 good practices that apply one or more of the following principles: small-scale, differentiation and community-integration. Since then, RESCALED has continued to identify and visit practices whose stories can inspire us to drive systemic change. We have further developed the map to include various filters and detailed reports so you can get to know these inspirational practices!